Saturday, 3 October 2015


You may have read the previous post about my visit to Saltaire to wander around Salts Mill and be in awe of David Hockneys work. 
Well, I have some more lovely pictures for you as whilst wondering around the village I came across 'RADSTUDIO!', a design shop offering modern home wares and gifts from lovely designers around the world including the UK, Switzerland, Denmark and Portland. 

I think this may just be my new favourite place that sells cat related posters & socks to cute little cactuses with pastel coloured pots and coloured mason jars with pretty flowers in. It is a room full of wonderfully inspiring pieces, I wanted to buy everything (if only!).
Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to purchase anything as I was in rush for my train, but I will be popping back here to have a proper look and to purchase AT LEAST some cat socks <3
 Plus the lady that was working there was super friendly, always a bonus. Can't wait for another trip back there. 
If you aren't local to Leeds/Saltaire you can find some of the items on their beautifully designed online shop: 

If you know of any shops with beautifully designed home wares/gifts/stationery let me know, especially if they are in the North as I would love to have a peek!


  1. Oo I love Saltaire!
    Haven't been for years ..., x

    1. It's lovely isn't it I would love to live there!!
      You should go :) Theres some nice cafes as well.
