Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Hello Spring!

HOORAY 'first day of spring'.... and it has rained for most of the day and apparently it is meant to snow tomorrow, *sigh* to British weather!
On the bright side I have been using lots of bright colours and learnt new dying techniques so I currently have rainbow coloured hands.
Direct Dye printing

Today I discovered direct dye pastes and using these to print with. I really enjoy how bright they come out once printed and the changing of colours when the two are overlapped. 
I also used lots of bright colours and got super messy Lino Printing again this afternoon, this time using colour instead of just Black. 
It takes up so much time and energy with getting the right colours mixed and then having to clean it all up but it all seems worth it when you get a couple of good prints. 

Messy A2 Mono-printing

After all of that printing it was time for a well deserved tea break (in my fancy new Marimekko cup that is way too shallow for those that like a pint of tea).

Tea break!

1 comment:

  1. L O V E what you are currently producing. Really like the direct dye paste and the handcrafted marks left behind after lino printing :)
