Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Placement in London

I got back from London on Saturday, a week early due to several reasons but mainly because my rent came out early which left me minus on the money situation, which isn't great in London. 
What an experience those two weeks was. When it came to public transport everything that could of gone wrong did!! 

My placement was a good insight into the fashion print industry and it was nice to work in a friendly studio but I think it has made me realise that I don't want to go into women's fashion. I sewed for two weeks straight and for someone that hasn't sewed since college it took me a couple of days to get back into it. I thought I would be trying out more things like drawing, screen printing etc but only got to sew which was a bit of a shame. At least I am a pro in sewing now, maybe I will apply to the Great British Sewing Bee!! :D 
I wasn't a fan of the commute to work every day but at least I could get the overground instead of the underground (I got on that a few times and it was slightly overwhelming..) and the walk back was mostly nice due to the weather being sunny and cloud free 90% of the time! 

I have been thinking more into what I would like to do for a career and I think that freelance or working as an in house designer either in the children's wear or greetings industry is more 'my cup of tea'. So I am looking forward to my other placements that will hopefully give me a good insight into them. 

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