Saturday, 30 May 2015

Last weekend in Leeds

This weekend is the last I will spend in Leeds until September as I move back home for Summer, so we decided to take one last visit to Mrs Athas (A lovely, quirky cafe next to Pop Boutique in Leeds) Along with a traditional 'English Breakfast' tea we tend to go for a piece of cake, this time Rob chose a slice of Lemon  drizzle (a slice the size of quarter of the cake!!) and I chose Victoria Sponge. 
I always get comments like 'you will be getting fat eating that cake', but at the end of the day I go there as a treat once every couple of weekends, I don't eat cake every day, and we all deserve a treat every now and then!

Friday, 29 May 2015

I-Dott Wallpaper Competition

I have finished University for a few weeks now and I have needed to keep myself busy, because as soon as I stop I get bored so easily. So I decided to enter the i-Dott wallpaper competition, under the category 'My Home' that required you to take inspiration from the decade of 'Mid Century Modernism'.

Dulux Colour Trends


For a while now I have been debating whether to make a blog and actually stick to it (unlike my failed attempt last summer where I wrote about two posts.) So now I have finished my first year of university for Summer, I have lots of spare time to blog!!
I want this blog to be about all things 'textiley'. This can be from drawings, prints, wallpaper, interiors, fabrics, exhibitions and artists, designers and illustrators.
I also want to talk about my every day life, what I have been upto, where I have been visiting (mostly cafes and anywhere with cats) 
I also will be showing my latest work and talking about it in more detail to when I usually just post a picture with one sentence on Instagram. 
I hope you enjoy my new posts!

Dixie <3

My favourite cafe in Leeds- Mrs Athas